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Hebrides News


Most original:  Strictly Come Dancing by Doig Opticians

Most Amusing: Trump Ferry by SRAC

Best Youth:  Lady Guga & Friends by Còisir Eilean an Fhraoich

Best overall float: Friends by Befriending Lewis

Best Biker:  Nappy rider


Individual Fancy Dress

Under 10s: Abby Macleod

11-17 years - Chloe Campbell

Adults: Catherine Stewart


Winners of the adults’ fancy dress competition. Catherine Stewart (second from right) won first prize for her silver ball outfit.

Doig Opticians came top in the most original theme category with their take on Strictly Come Dancing.

Winner of the best overall float was Befriending Lewis

Carnival prizewinners

6 August 2017

Winners in the 11-17 years category