
Land buyout study for Carloway          10/3/13

A feasibility study to examine the financial viability of a community buy-out of the  Carloway Estate on Lewis is to be commissioned.

Last year residents voted 49 - 3 to set up a steering group and explore the pros and cons of taking over the 11,400 acre estate on the eastern shores of Loch Roag

Funding for a consultant to provide a feasibility study is being applied. The report should be ready later this year.

The feasibility study will be made publicly available to people in the district who will ultimately be asked to vote on retaining the status quo or proceeding to takeover.

The Galloway family which own the land are willing sellers.

Less than 1,000 people live on the estate which includes Callanish, Breasclete, Tolsta Chaolais as well as the townships of Doune, Kirivick and Knock within Carloway.

The other half of Carloway, north and east from the Carloway bridge, is excluded as it falls nder a different ownership.