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Carloway says yes                           22/4/14


Yes nan Eilean Siar has welcomed the result of the public vote following a public independence debate in Carloway.


Almost 70 local residents from Carloway gathered in the community centre for the debate hosted by Angus MacDonald of BBC Alba.


Speaking for Yes nan Eilean Siar was local MSP, Dr Alasdair Allan and Back businessman, Gordon “Diesel” MacLennan. Arguing for Better Together was former MP Brian Wilson and former Isles MSP Alasdair Morrison.


The public question-and-answer session, organised by Carloway Community Association, heard from all four panellists before the audience put questions to the panel.


Local MSP Alasdair Allan welcomed the vote at the end of the meeting which showed the results at No - 37%; Undecided - 7%; Yes - 56%.


Speaking afterwards, Alasdair Allan MSP, said the “result is a vote of confidence in Yes nan Eilean Siar’s positive grassroots campaign which is working extremely hard from the butt to Barra.

“The reality is, that the more our message - that Scotland’s future should be in Scotland’s hands - is heard, the more people are heading in the direction of the Yes campaign and that’s exactly what happened in Carloway on Friday night.”


Mr Allan added: “We will not rest on our laurels and we’ll keep working hard for a Yes vote in September. We will continue to chap doors, deliver leaflets and hold public meetings all across these islands.


“The fact that almost 70 folk turned out on a Friday night for a public meeting shows that the referendum debate is reaching all parts of the community, especially engaging those who are not normally interested in ordinary party elections.


“We will continue to make the case for Scotland’s future being in Scotland’s hands with independence and I’m sure that will continue to lead to more results like we have just seen in Carloway.”