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New Labour's answer to the recent polls is disrespectful to the electorate in Scotland.


Their justification for support from the electorate is based on people voting for them to keep the Conservatives out. Using fear to trick people into voting for them. What has happened to the old fashioned technique of campaigning on policies which are in line with the peoples needs?


New Labour MPs walked through the Westminster lobbies hand in hand with their Conservative counterparts to pass legislation which will see a further £35 billion cut from public services.


We now have New Labour MPs proposing a coalition with the Conservatives. I suppose it makes sense as there is little between their overall policies.


Alasdair Morrison's election campaign evolves around moans and groans about local services.


New Labour is fully behind the Tory austerity programme which is currently starving lifeline services of finance. These future cuts will place many services in jeopardy and damage the lives of the islanders. A vote for Mr Morrison would be to replace Blue Tories by Red Tories.


The only thing which will bring another Conservative government will be people voting Tory. Only the maximum number of SNP MP's will protect us from Labour and Tory cuts.


Archie Harper

27 Shulishader


Isle of Lewis


Letter: Why replace blue Tories with red Tories


 March 2015