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Hebrides News


Befriending Lewis has been awarded £149,958 of Big Lottery funding through the Improving Lives Fund.


This money will help the initiative to sustain its volunteer befriending service across the Lewis for the next three years.


A spokesman said: “We are absolutely delighted with the award of this grant to our service, and would like to thank the Big Lottery Fund for recognising the incredible benefits our service can bring to our community, and having the faith in us to deliver it across the Isle of Lewis.”


Befriending offers a friendly, listening ear to people who would otherwise be socially isolated.

The scheme - administered by Volunteering Hebrides, part of the Third Sector Hebrides Group - was launched in November 2015, in response to feedback from the community that the service was urgently needed all around Lewis.


Over 30 long term befriending relationships being formed, with over 2000 volunteer hours being delivered in the community.


Lottery funding supports Befriending scheme

28 November 2016